


A stone thrown in anger never kills a bird.

Nigerian Proverb


The proverb "A stone thrown in anger never kills a bird" conveys the idea that acting out of anger or aggression rarely achieves the intended outcome or harms the target. It suggests that when people react impulsively or violently in moments of anger, their actions tend to be ineffective or miss the mark.

Metaphorically, the "stone" represents an impulsive or aggressive action taken in anger, while the "bird" symbolizes the intended target or the desired outcome. The proverb implies that acting out of anger often leads to unintended consequences or fails to achieve the desired result.

The underlying message encourages individuals to exercise restraint and consider the potential consequences before reacting impulsively in moments of anger. It suggests that responding with patience, rationality, and empathy is more likely to yield positive outcomes and avoid causing unnecessary harm to oneself or others.

Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.