
Wife and her Mother

Wife and her Mother

When a woman enters a marriage, she takes her mother along.

Ghanaian Proverb


This saying emphasizes the influence and impact of a woman's upbringing and family background on her marital life. It suggests that a woman's experiences, values, and behaviors are often shaped by her relationship with her mother and the lessons she learned from her.

Metaphorically, "taking her mother along" symbolizes the presence of the values, beliefs, and learned behaviors that a woman carries into her own marriage. It implies that a woman's upbringing and the role her mother played in her life significantly influence her approach to marriage, family dynamics, and overall behavior as a wife.

The proverb highlights the intergenerational transfer of knowledge, traditions, and patterns of behavior within families. It recognizes the lasting impact of the mother-daughter relationship on a woman's perception of marriage and her role as a spouse.

Furthermore, the proverb suggests that understanding a woman's background, including her relationship with her mother, can provide insights into her attitudes, expectations, and behaviors within her own marriage.

Overall, the proverb underscores the significance of familial and cultural influences on a woman's marital journey. It recognizes the interconnectedness between a woman's upbringing, her relationship with her mother, and her experiences and behaviors within her own marriage.

Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.