
Friendship is more than Money

Friendship is more than Money

Better to lose a little money than a little friendship.

Malagasy Proverb


The proverb "Better to lose a little money than a little friendship" emphasizes the value of maintaining meaningful relationships and suggests that it is preferable to prioritize the preservation of friendships over financial gains or disputes.

The proverb implies that the loss of money or material possessions is of lesser importance compared to the loss of a genuine friendship. It highlights the significance of human connections and the intangible benefits of strong, supportive relationships in our lives.

By emphasizing the importance of friendship over monetary matters, the proverb encourages individuals to prioritize trust, loyalty, and emotional well-being over material wealth. It suggests that the bond of friendship and the mutual support it provides are invaluable and should not be sacrificed for temporary financial gains.

Overall, the proverb serves as a reminder to place emphasis on the intangible aspects of life, such as friendship and interpersonal connections, which bring lasting happiness and fulfillment. It advises individuals to consider the long-term value of relationships and to prioritize their preservation even in situations where financial losses may occur.

Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.