
Everybody starts Small

Everybody starts Small

Looking at a king's mouth one would never think he sucked his mother's breast.



This proverb means that people in positions of power, wealth, and authority often appear to be different or superior to other people, and it is difficult to imagine that they have had the same humble beginnings as everyone else.

The proverb implies that people in positions of power may seem distant and unrelatable, with a lifestyle and experiences that are far removed from the average person. It suggests that it is easy to forget that these powerful individuals were once ordinary people with similar struggles and experiences.

The proverb can be applied more broadly to many different situations where people may feel disconnected or unrelatable to those in positions of power or authority. It reminds us that it is important to remember that everyone has a unique journey and experiences that shape who they are, and that it is not always possible to judge someone based solely on their appearance or position.

Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.