
Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

Good fortune will not happen to you; good fortune is given to he who seeks it.

Egyptian Proverb


The proverb emphasizes the active role individuals play in attaining positive outcomes and opportunities. It suggests that waiting for good fortune to come without proactive efforts is unlikely to yield results. Instead, the proverb highlights the importance of actively seeking and pursuing good fortune.

Metaphorically, "good fortune" represents favorable circumstances, luck, or success. The proverb implies that these positive outcomes are not simply bestowed upon individuals by chance or luck alone. Instead, it suggests that those who actively seek opportunities, work hard, and make deliberate efforts are more likely to attract and receive good fortune.

By emphasizing the role of seeking, the proverb encourages individuals to be proactive, determined, and open to possibilities. It emphasizes the power of initiative, ambition, and perseverance in creating favorable outcomes in various aspects of life.

Overall, the proverb serves as a motivational reminder that individuals have agency in shaping their own destinies. It suggests that actively seeking and pursuing opportunities, rather than passively waiting for luck, increases the likelihood of experiencing good fortune.


Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.