
Little by Little

Little by Little
If you dream of moving mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting small stones today. Equatorial Guinean Proverb


To achieve big goals, you need to approach them one step at a time. This proverb discourages shortcuts and encourages discipline. When you envision your goals and they look scarily big, take a step back and plan out small milestones to get you to the goals.

If your goal today is to become an engineer, you cannot immediately put on an engineer’s helmet and go to the fields to start working with no training. That would be equivalent to attempting to move the mountain today. You would need to start by identifying the courses to take, or the experience to garner. Once identified, start inching your way through them. They are the small stones you must lift one at a time.

Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.
