


When you are older, you keep warm with the wood you gathered in your youth.

Malinese Proverb


This saying conveys the idea of preparing for the future and reaping the rewards of past efforts. It suggests that the actions, work, or investments made in one's youth can provide comfort, security, or sustenance during later stages of life.

Metaphorically, "wood" represents the resources, skills, knowledge, and achievements accumulated in one's younger years. Just as gathering wood is a task that requires effort and foresight, the proverb suggests that actively building a foundation and accumulating assets or skills early in life can lead to stability and well-being in older age.

The proverb encourages individuals to be proactive and diligent in their youth, understanding that the fruits of their labor and preparations will benefit them in the future. It emphasizes the importance of long-term planning, discipline, and investing in personal growth to ensure a comfortable and secure later life.

Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.