
Confidence is Strength

Confidence is Strength

The lion's power lies in our fear of him.

Nigerian Proverb


The proverb conveys the idea that an individual or entity's power is derived from the fear they inspire in others. It suggests that when people are intimidated or afraid of someone or something, it grants that person or entity a sense of control and influence over them.

Metaphorically, the "lion" represents a powerful figure or force, while "our fear of him" symbolizes the response of individuals who perceive the lion as a threat. The proverb implies that the lion's power is not solely rooted in its physical strength or capabilities but also in the psychological impact it has on those who fear it.

By highlighting the role of fear, the proverb underscores the psychological dynamics at play in power dynamics. It suggests that when individuals or groups allow themselves to be dominated by fear, they grant power to those they fear, enabling them to exercise control and influence over them.

However, the proverb also implies that if individuals are able to overcome their fear and confront the source of intimidation, they can diminish or even negate the power held by the intimidating entity.

Overall, the proverb serves as a reminder of the significant role that fear plays in shaping power dynamics and encourages individuals to assess and confront their fears to regain a sense of control and autonomy.

Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.