
Character is better than Appearance

Character is better than Appearance

Ugliness with a good character is better than beauty.

Nigerian Proverb


This means that having a good character or being a good person is more important than having physical beauty or attractiveness. It suggests that inner beauty or qualities such as kindness, compassion, honesty, and integrity are more valuable and enduring than outer beauty.

The proverb implies that physical beauty is temporary, while inner beauty or character traits endure. A person who is beautiful on the outside but lacks positive character traits may be admired for their looks, but they may not be respected or valued in the long term. On the other hand, a person who may not be physically attractive but has a good character is likely to be respected, valued, and appreciated by those around them.

The proverb also implies that a person's actions and character are more important than their physical appearance. It suggests that how a person treats others, how they behave, and how they conduct themselves are more important than how they look. Ultimately, the proverb highlights the importance of inner beauty or character traits, suggesting that they are more valuable than physical beauty.

In summary, this proverb encourages people to focus on cultivating good character and positive qualities, rather than solely focusing on their physical appearance. It suggests that inner beauty and good character traits are more important and enduring than physical beauty.

Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.