
Evil Lurks Near Good Things

Evil Lurks Near Good Things

Where there is sea, there will always be pirates.

Malawian Proverb


The saying "Where there is sea, there will always be pirates" conveys a metaphorical message about the existence of opportunistic and unscrupulous individuals in certain environments or circumstances.

Metaphorically, the "sea" represents any situation or domain that presents opportunities or vulnerabilities. It could refer to industries, societies, or any arena where resources, power, or wealth can be sought after or exploited.

The "pirates" symbolize those who are willing to take advantage of these opportunities for their own gain, often through illicit or dishonest means. They are individuals who operate outside the boundaries of legality, ethics, or fairness to seize advantages for themselves.

Essentially, this proverb suggests that in any environment where there are potential benefits or vulnerabilities, there will always be individuals who are willing to exploit them. It serves as a reminder that human nature includes both altruistic and selfish tendencies, and that in certain contexts, we may encounter those who seek personal gain at the expense of others.

Therefore, the proverb advises caution and awareness, reminding us to be vigilant and prepared for the presence of opportunistic individuals in situations where personal interests are at stake.




Note: This interpretation is our opinion. We encourage you to agree, disagree, or provide an alternate interpretation.